June 7, Wednesday, after having arrived in Edenton yesterday late afternoon, I realized that my phone was on its last leg. The mini USB phone power port was no longer holding the cable and therefore no longer charging my phone. Leading up to this day, the entire trip thus far, this issue has been present. There would be no more fiddling with this connector.
Martin, the Post Commander (pictured above), was kind enough to spend the day with me as we went to two local cell phone and service retailers. While we waited for the transaction to complete, we went to Dairy Queen for a treat!
In the evening I had a phone interview with iHeartDogs.com . The story, I'm told, will publish this weekend. Yay for http://www.veteransandtheirpets.org !!!
June 8, Thursday, I made a solo bicycle outing to tour the town of Edenton while leaving Daisy and camp back at the American Legion. Thank you American Legion Post 40 for your kindness and hospitality!
I spent a few hours on the tour and was in awe of how well preserved the neighborhoods were. I shot over 200 photos on my new phone! I later organized the photos into albums, uploaded them, posted and cross posted as well! What a dramatic difference this phone has made! I didn't realize until now just how slow and overworked my old phone had been. Here is the result of my Historic Edenton, North Carolina day trip. , Just click the link... Edenton, North Carolina Photo Album
June 9, Friday, (50 kilometers traveled) I finished and posted the previous blog post, wrapped up camp, and got a very late start on the road. I would make a long stop in Hertford, NC and have my first milk shake in a historic main street pharmacy. It was similar to stepping back in time to days long past. I considered calling an end to the days ride but the park had ominous ordinances posted all around as though the town has struggled with deviants. I rubbed my tummy, full of ice cream, a huge milk shake, and a grilled ham and cheese sandwich, and made tracks for Elizabeth City.
Before departing for Elizabeth City, I managed to capture a little bit of Hertford, North Carolina for y'all. Here's the link to that album. Enjoy!! Hertford, North Carolina Photo Album
I hope you all enjoy this blog! Until the next post, "Ride on!"
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