Thursday, April 13, 2017

April 13, 2017, Thursday

Yesterday, Wednesday April 12th, I spent the day at "The Smallest Church in America" (in the park area, part of the property), physically recovering from the two days of riding leading up to it.  I managed to do some writing in my journal.

Fully rested, though not fully recovered (I think Daisy picked up a few pounds on this tour), I left camp this morning with 80km on my odometer.  It now reads 128.3km, which means I've managed 48.3km on the day (over 30 miles). 

A highlight of the day was a stop at Midway Georgia, where historical markers popped up everywhere.  I spent a considerable amount of energy pulling our cart to each and every one for a photograph.  :-).  I think I will post a few for y'all!

While in Midway, Daisy enjoyed stretching her legs in the cemetery while I picked a few headstones to photograph and reflect on.  I recall thinking to myself, what is the fascination with people and death and memorializing it?  I want to become fertilizer for a field of corn, or a square yard of corn in a field.  I don't know the pounds per acre of "Harold" are required for healthy corn.  Nevertheless, I enjoy the countless moments I have spent with Daisy, stretching legs, taking a riding break, and reflecting on life and death and what it might have been for those we are visiting.

It is now the 14th of April and I don't remember why I woke.  I need to wind down for the morning for it is almost 1am.

Ride on guys!  I hope you enjoy the pix.  I enjoyed capturing them.

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