Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Where are my manners....

After a day of work or just being a way for a long while, I look forward to arriving at home and greeting my one dog fan club, Daisy.  When Daisy and I first arrived here in Portland following our amazing cross country bicycle tour for , a kind lady in the area volunteered to foster my fur baby for a brief period of time until I was able to establish myself and obtain a residence to house ourselves in. During this time she picked up what many folks would call "manners", specifically containing her excitement when the head human returned to the house and not barking when it was breakfast or dinner time, a necessary discipline when my fur baby suddenly found herself with a foster and her own two fur babies. Many of you may not know it, but three excited and barking dogs is similar to bedlam in a cuckoo clock shop at twelve noon!  Bless her heart Daisy showed remarkable restraint and learned to sit quietly while each of three dog bowls were set down one at a time.

Right now at this present time, I'm here to tell ya'...anything she may have learned with her amazing and wonderful foster human and her two fur babies has long since been forgot.  Watch the video and you'll see just how it is when I come home!  I'm a BAD influence.  lol