Monday, March 13, 2017

Between tours; an attempt to establish a new residence in Lincoln Nebraska.

Some of you may be wondering what I have been up to since the last tour.  I have literally been across the country and back.  Here is that story.

Immediately following the end of Tour De PACLANTIC, I stayed a week or so at Jekyll Island while trying to find a ride-share to Phoenix.   Having no luck at finding a ride-share, I decided to at least make some progress of my own doing and start riding in the direction of Phoenix.  The next day after leaving the island, I received a message for a call back regarding a ride-share.  From Brunswick, Georgia, I found a ride to New Orleans, Louisiana.

I stayed on the outskirts of New Orleans for a couple of nights as I searched other ride-shares to the west and placed ads of my own.  Again, I packed up and decided to start working on my own progress towards Baton Rouge Louisiana and then further west across the Mississippi River.  I made it to a truck stop, where I was welcomed to set camp behind the Cajun Circus Casino.  There, at the Cajun Circus Casino (link is Facebook site), I would search for ride-shares and await a response to several of my own ads.  After a week, I found a ride-share that brought me to within 40 miles, and just south of Phoenix, Arizona.

In Phoenix, I had some personal business to attend to and stayed there nearly a month with a few friends.  I managed to visit with friends, interview with Shelley Ridenour and David Jolkovski of the East Valley Tribune for a post trip follow up story, see to personal matters, write some of my story, and put up some ads on ride-share listings for our final destination, Lincoln Nebraska.  It was time to head towards Lincoln Nebraska, where I had a job offer waiting as well as an offer to help get us on our feet with living accommodations so we could get established in our new home town.

As it would happen, believe it or not, I could find no ride-shares out of Phoenix, so rather than wait, I asked Veterans and Their Pets™ if they could arrange transportation for us out of town.  A driver came to pick us up and was able to deliver us as far as the Petrified National Forest Park in central Arizona off of Interstate 40.  From here I assembled bike and trailer to once again, ride east until another ride-share became available.

East of Gallup New Mexico, I stopped at Red Rock Park in Church Rock New Mexico, where I had stayed during the first Tour De PACLANTIC (Facebook Link) to wait out a thunderstorm.  Here I made a new friend, Terry Singer, and was allowed to make camp at his camp space while keeping an eye on his travel trailer while he was away at work.  It was here that I helped a lady at a neighboring camp set up a kennel and walk her three wiener-dogs while she was away at work (she would later offer me a ride to Albuquerque, New Mexico).   It was here that I also watched a week of local rodeo (a first), and met with Kyle Chancellor and Cable Hoover of the Gallup Independent to do a post trip interview for an article. 

Along the tour, I had made some friends, one of which I met at the International Santa Fe Trail Balloon Rally in Raton New Mexico on July 5th, 2015 following my arrival there on the 4th, Independence Day.  I was near the Arizona New Mexico border, at Red Rocks Park, when the thought occurred to me to contact the owner/operator/pilot Ken Ferguson of “Itsa TOUCHIE SUBJECT” (the air craft) for a ride to the 2016 International Santa Fe Trail Balloon Rally.  After my ride to Albuquerque, it was just a 3 or 4 day wait for us to ride up and meet with “Fergie” and family, where we caught a ride with the “Itsa TOUCHIE SUBJECT” balloon team north to Raton New Mexico.

Upon our arrival in Raton, New Mexico, I met up with a friend that allowed us to stay for a breather while on Tour De PACLANITC.  While there we visited together and attended the Balloon Rally along with the entire “Itsa TOUCHIE SUBJECT” balloon team.  I had volunteered to help set up the balloon as well as join the chase crew to find and pack up the balloon, crew and passengers after its landings.  Talk about fun; and to top it off, I also received my first balloon ride.  I have shared some amazing videos of this trip on my YouTube.  I’ll post some more after I finish this post.  This was my first hot air balloon ride!  Unfortunately, Daisy did not get to ride.

 While in Raton New Mexico, I helped my friend with nearly all of her tree work.  She had tons of dead wood that needed cutting back, away from the house, shed, and power lines.  It was a nice visit and it was good to help out a friend in need too.  Her neighbor gave us a ride to Trinidad on their way to a doctor appointment, where I would meet up with Adam Sperandio and ride together to Lincoln, Nebraska.

Tour De PACLANTIC,  Veterans and Their Pets(SM), Harold and Daisy
Adam Sperandio and myself, June '16
Adam Sperandion and myself, June '16

 We arrived in Lincoln and were warmly welcomed by a family we met along the first Tour De PACLANTIC.  With them, I would get the chance to establish myself in Lincoln but upon my arrival I learned that the job was not yet available.  Immediately I started taking care of business.
Some of the issues I felt that I needed to address, were for depression, vision, and what services were available to the “homeless”.  I spent a week, setting appointments with the VA Hospital, arriving for walk-ins to those offices that would allow them.  I quickly learned that if I sat in waiting rooms long enough, staff would eventually tire of having a homeless military veteran cluttering their otherwise empty waiting room and dispatch a doctor to get rid of me.  There were periods of time that even I wondered if the room I was in was in fact the waiting room until the end of the day when a nurse would arrive, step into the room to make certain that there were no forgotten patients.  How embarrassing would that be, to arrive at work Monday and find that you have to knock the dust off of a patient forgotten on Friday?

These appointments were necessary, for I felt that my vision had gotten worse over the past year and my existing prescription lenses were very out dated.   Knowing that my Commercial Driver License was about to expire as well as needing a new health card, I certainly wanted to make sure that I passed with flying colors.  Then there was the issue with depression which I had successfully made two visits before giving up on any success in finding either a short or long term solution.

Another appointment that I saw as a necessity was filling out an application to the local homeless shelter, People's City Mission of Lincoln Nebraska.   I received all but written guaranteed assurances that Daisy and I fit the profile for the optimum type of resident that they were looking for and that we would have a place the following Monday.  For three months I called with only sporadic responses to the voice messages I’d left.

These appointments were located all over Lincoln, and on a few of the days, I had logged well over 40 total miles each day.  One day I recall like it was yesterday, for I thought I had been taking a short cut.  It turned out to be a long cut and then a race to make it in time for my Urine Analysis, a drug screen for employment.  I arrived at 1630hrs when a lady dressed in nurses garb came out to lock the waiting room doors, citing that I was lucky she forgot to lock the door at 1600hrs.  I explained to her that she would not have to extend her working hours waiting for a second attempt for me to fill her cup in the event I could not fill her first.  I further explained that if I didn’t get a cup soon, she may have to clean the floor.  On the way home, I stopped to pick up food at a community food pantry at a local church.  Even on the days I was not yet employed, I would often come home exhausted.  There was of course the anxiety and stresses of making my appointment times in a town with which I was completely unfamiliar with.

One day, on a Saturday, I decided to take a bike ride to a part of the city I had not yet been to.  The area seemed populated with larger industrial businesses on the north east out skirts of Lincoln Nebraska.  I wanted to get an idea of how long it would take to arrive at any part of the city on a bike, and for this reason, I took it at a leisurely pace for a conservative estimate.  When I arrived at a particular refuse company I was considering for employment, and had in fact discussed the particulars with online, I was pleasantly surprised to find someone at the shop.  I talked to the fellow that I had spoke with earlier on the phone and explained my outing as reconnaissance.  He granted an interview right then and there.  He apologized to me that there may only be a part time opening and that they may even be able to cover it without help.   The later turned out to be the case.

On my way back home, I found signs by the road side soliciting CDL (Commercial Driver License) operators for a nearby company.  I stopped in to pick up an application and instead held an immediate interview with the site manager of the company I would later be working for.  After explaining my experience with a class B CDL and that I would like a day or two to get familiar with driving with a heavy G.V.W.R. and a manual transmission, he seemed sincere in asking if I would start as a material handler, delivering bundles of shingles to the rooftops.  The request seemed reasonable and logical to me that perhaps he wanted to see if I had an aversion to heights and a work ethic as I would be required to deliver bundles of shingles to be delivered on client’s roofs.  I reluctantly agreed while at the same time asking him to define this period of time needed to evaluate me.  I received an odd look from him while asking for this time frame, one that would later become evident to me as to the meaning behind it.  He replied 30 to 60 days.  I was not interested in working indefinitely, for a lesser amount, while I held a perfectly good CDL in my back pocket.

Thirty days came and went.  Sixty days came and went.  On day 90, I turned in my two week notice.  I’m pretty bent out of shape that I misread this situation from the start, and for the fact that I even gave a two-week notice.  Our agreement ended on day 60 as far as I was concerned.  I should have left at that time, however, winter was coming on and I thought better of how I would make ends meet when layoffs for winter were just around the corner.  October 26th , my birthday, was my last day employed.  Following work, I celebrated alone with Daisy and treated myself to a burger at Perkins Restaurant, where they treated me to a courtesy birthday dessert.

During my term of employment, I was required to look for a new residence as the 30-45 days allotted to me was up.  The family I was staying with had a life of their own and I was thankful for the opportunity they allowed me in their already hectic lives.  On a Saturday, we packed our few belongings, gave thanks for their hospitality, said our goodbyes, and checked into a seedy motel that was only 6 miles from my employer. 

Up until now, I had been making a ten mile trek into and back from work (20 miles total), on a daily basis, where I would, either throw or catch 60-85# bundles of shingles while walking steep inclines, and finish out the day around the yard at the shop for a total of eight to twelve hours a day.  The 4 mile difference was nice but at $250 per week for a motel room I would not last long from a budget stand point.  After two weeks of staying at this motel I would end, up once again, just under 10 miles from my employer.  I move to Knights Inn right next to the airport.

At Knights Inn (and yes, I am going to give this company a plug), next to the airport, I checked in to a room that was smaller than my last, without a fridge (initially), without a fully functional toilette or an adequately operating air conditioning unit.  During my entire stay the toilette would never flush more than twice in a row and was backed up for all but seven days of my stay.  The staff, the ones in position of making decisions for the property, seemed entirely made up of the majority clientele they catered to.  My theory here is supported by the toilette issues I suffered during my three month stay.

During my time in Lincoln, Nebraska, I managed to renew my CDL license, CDL health card, obtain a vision prescription, and a pair of each, clear and tinted corrective lens glasses.  My God, the tinted frames were ridiculously expensive, even at Wal-Mart!  With the help of Deanna Chris, while I was off working, she took Daisy for a physical and her rabies vaccination and managed to pass on to me a discounted office visit; thank you DeAnna and the veterinarian who checked out Daisy. 

Michael West, the man (and the president) from Veterans and Their Pets™ that saw to the intake and care of Daisy when I first became homeless in 2014, decided, when I had arrived on my bike in Phoenix during the first Tour De PACLANTIC, that it would be in my best interest to have my phone connected to wireless services instead of depending exclusively on WiFi in case of an emergency, as I had done up until that point.  It seemed ridiculous to me that I should be a burden, an expense to Veterans and Their Pets™, the  organization I'm trying to help.   For that I am extremely grateful and the reason I also managed to donate $1,000 dollars to Veterans and Their Pets™ following the tour in an attempt to pay it forward to the next military veteran.   I might also add that it was Veterans and Their Pets™ that assisted me with the online purchase of my birth certificate which was needed for transferring my out of state license to my new home town of Lincoln.  I had no credit card with which to purchase the certificate online and to expedite its arrival.  Veterans andTheir Pets™ bailed me out.  Thanks again Veterans and Their Pets™!

On November 4th, 2016, after having agreed on an amount for rent and that I would pay for the fuel for the round trip, another acquaintance I had met along Tour De PACLANTIC came out and picked me up in Lincoln.  I checked out of the creepy motel that I was staying at on a month to month basis. Daisy and I, along with my acquaintance, hopped in a truck and drove to Glidden Iowa, our new home for the winter.

It was in Glidden Iowa that I would see my first white Christmas in a very long time.  I would become familiar with the life of a very small town.  I enjoyed Glidden very much, even though Daisy and I spent the majority of time reading books while coming to the conclusion that another Tour De PACLANTIC would both be appropriate and fitting. On an extremely limited budget and very fixed income, I managed to squeak by riding out a 2016-17 Iowa winter. 

I spent more than I should have on the ride to Kinston Alabama, but I’m sure that you will remember my experiences with ride-shares following the conclusion of Tour De PACLANTIC.  Being out in a small town in mid-west Iowa, I was certain that the rides offered heading south would be few and far between.  Additionally, I thought it best to accept an arrangement that I felt both comfortable in its accommodations as well as in the person with which the agreement was arranged.  To date, it has been the most enjoyable ride-share.

So here we are, in Kinston Alabama, just 5.25 hours from Massengale Park, St. Simons Island Georgia where we will start Tour De PACLANTIC II on Saturday, April 8, 2017 at 11:00am. 

We were not able to establish a residence in Lincoln Nebraska but I feel that it all worked out the way it was meant to be.  Daisy and I are set and ready for another tour.

I thank you for reading my blog.  I hope that you look forward to seeing and reading about our experiences while we cross America on the next Tour De PACLANTIC, the coast to coast tour for Veterans and Their Pets(TM).

UPDATED LINKS to photos and videos covering this period of time:

Roof top videoOther YouTube videos.

UPDATE:  Latest information re our arrival:  St. Simons Island, Georgia

(((March 3, 2017 Edit:  Daisy and I will be at Massengale Park (click on this link for a Google Map) in St. Simons Island, Georgia on Saturday, April 8th, 2017, no later than 11:00 AM .    There, we will meet with folks, share our story, answer questions, participate in photos, and to raise awareness and funding for "Veterans and Their Pets(SM)" .  (Please take a moment and visit their web site at the following link:  Veterans and Their Pets(SM))

Important:  In the event of inclement weather, I am presently asking around for an alternate location for a meet and greet and will endeavor to notify all, here on this blog, and on all social media.  However, rain or shine, Daisy and I will get our feet wet in the Atlantic ocean at the stated time and location.

Important:  Please, for the safety of Daisy and myself, do NOT donate cash on this date.  It would not be wise for me to be walking around with donations and I will have no means to transfer those funds to "Veterans and Their Pets(SM).  If you wish to donate, please click on the following link at the FundRazr account for "Veterans and Their Pets(SM)", a 501(c)(3) non-profit (EIN 26-0896950).

Important:  I am trying to conceive of all the variables associated with such a public meeting.  It is not my intention to come across as ungrateful, expecting, or to portray a sense of entitlement.  In fact, I don't know what to expect.  I will start this trip with a full load of dry beans, rice, dog food, and a pound of each:  tire patches, glue, and spokes.  A full load.  If all you bring is hugs, handshakes, curiosity, and well-wishes, these things alone, matched with ours in return, will make for a remarkable, joyful, and most memorable occasion!)))

Monday, March 6, 2017

Tour II, The bike, 2004 Specialized Crossroads Sport...

SRSUNTOUR, NCX-E, Tour De PACLANTIC, Tour II, Veterans and Their Pets, Harold and Daisy
2004 Specialized Crossroads Sport, March 3, 2017

This post picks up where the previous post, 1989 Schwinn 564 Aluminum; the bike that made the first trip leaves off.

At the completion of the first Tour De PACLANTIC, the coast to coast journey by Harold and Daisy Palmquist to raise funding and awareness for "Veterans and Their Pets(SM)", I met a fellow, David Brantley, just one of many who took part in welcoming Daisy and I to the Island of St. Simons.  This is the story of the bike, how it came into my possession, and the preparation and thought process involved in making it ready for the next coast to coast tour.

2004 Specialized Crossroads Sport, Tour De PACLANTIC, Harold and Daisy, Veterans and Their Pets, Tour II
2004 Specialized Crossroads Sport, April 18, 2016

Veterans and Their Pets, Tour De PACLANTIC, Tour 1, Jekyll Island Georgia
David Brantley April 11, 2016, Jekyll Island, Georgia
2004 Specialized and tech-jersey by Kennedy Outfitters

David Brantley showed me this little hide out (see photo above) on Jekyll Island, Georgia April 11, 2016, and when he arrived again on April 18, 2016, he pulled this bike out of the back seat of his vehicle.  At the time, it was my understanding, or so I remember, that this bike, a 2004 Specialized Crossroads Sport was a gift from David.    On March 3, 2017, while attempting to finish this post, I became aware that it had been the result of a group effort, of which Chris Beaufait of Monkey Wrench Bicycles (a Trek bicycle dealer) of St. Simons Island, took part in.  After speaking to Chris on March 4, 2017, he said David was the main instigator.  Regardless of the guilty party, I am very grateful for this thoughtful gift, the result of a community effort.

In an attempt to explain the previous confusion on my part, I deviate for a moment.  From the post, April 2016 arrival St. Simons Island, I begin to describe just the first part of our arrival, an event for me that only after reflection, I would later refer to as an emotional roller-coaster.  Up until now, I have only mentioned the "highs" of my journey but there was also a very deep "low".  The day that I arrived at Massengale Park, was the first day where I had no mission...and no drive.  Depression.  The tour was easy.  Wake up and ride (or recuperate/recover), it was never a conscious thought, for I had made a commitment.  After St. Simons Island, not only was I homeless, I was now without a mission.  David had sent me an email with Chris's phone number while I was still on Jekyll Island, and for some reason I had it in my head that Chris was a friend of David's and curious about biking cross country, nothing more.   I do recall calling Chris.  I do not recall much of the conversation other than discussing his desire to ride cross country.

Schwinn with OEM drop-down bars
Specialized with hybrid OEM bars

Some of my concerns about the Specialized bike and its current configuration was how the front bag would sit, how cluttered the cables were in front of the bike where the bag would be placed, and the shape of the front handle bars.  With my extremely limited budget, switching to drop down handle bars, to the kind pictured on the 1989 Schwinn above, would present a costly undertaking, and I still would not be guaranteed a proper front bag fit because of the neck/stem's shape and angle.  Notice how tilted the bag rides in the photo on the right above.  The bag and the bracket were made for drop down bars and a thin stem that has a small degree of down angle.  The photo on the left shows the bag properly mounted.

The brake levers of the Specialized bike are motorcycle style pull levers and designed to be placed forward of the bars for the fingers to grip.  You will notice that I have them rotated behind and under the bars so that the cables will not interfere with the bag.  They are placed in such a position, as pictured above, to accommodate the bag, and that make it difficult to pull with either fingers or thumb.

For many, the simple answer might be, "Ditch the front bag and be done with it."  Well, I have grown quite attached to the bag, and it serves a unique purpose, one for which it was intended.  It's most useful purposes were it's portability and it's zippered map top with a clear plastic lid for displaying and securing my current road map.  I refer to the front bag as my purse, for in it was a little bit of everything.  Maps, compass, phone, chargers, USB cables, backup batteries, flashlights, a book, Band-Aides, riding lamps, ID, etc.  The bag is a keeper, I just have to find a way to mount it.

My biggest concern regarding this bikes configuration, as it was when I received it, was long term comfort (specifically the handle bars), especially when riding up hill.  In the previous bike post, 1989 Schwinn Aluminum 564, I did not mention one of the important lessons that I learned during my cross country journey.  Quite simply put, there is more than one way to ride a bike.  When you are on a bike as much as I have been, there's oodles of time to think about such things.  Big-time oodles. Riding in the saddle. Riding out of the saddle.  Hopping on the pedals on the down stroke, and the one that I am most concerned with, perching on the handle bars, stiff armed, while pulling and pushing on the cranks.  (For the readers that are not familiar with locking pedals and cleated shoes, these are two items that allow a rider to lock their shoes to the pedals.  Extraordinary thrust can be generated when one is able to pedal, not only on the down stroke, but the up stroke as well.)   With the drop down bars, I was able to hold them in such a manner that I can only describe as though I was gripping a "walker" or parallel bars used in gymnastics .  I think I may have found a solution without having to change my shifters, cables, and brake levers.

While I was in Carroll, Iowa at New Hope Bargain Shoppe, I purchased a used bike, a Mongoose Deception, from which to salvage parts.  The bike had several parts that I was interested in, and a price I thought reasonable.  Pictured below, is the Mongoose Deception's front disc, brake caliper, stem, and bar assembly, all of which will used on my bike.   I briefly considered making the trip with this entire bike and quickly thought better of it.  In October of 2016, I paid nearly $200 to tune up the drive train on my Specialized, including a new chain, bottom bracket, rear cassette, and adjustment, as well as inner tubes for my 700x38 tires.  I'm not real excited about riding with these 38's, but that is what I have, and I'll have to make do with them.  A man can get a good cardio workout pumping these tires up to their rated pressure of 110psi.  Again I digress, but this thought goes towards the reasoning of making the trip with my Specialized.

After salvaging the needed parts as shown above, I found that the lower head set bearings and races were shot in my bike.  One of the bearings, in the caged bearing assembly, had completely disintegrated, and the lower race was pitted badly as pictured below.  From the Mongoose, I removed both top and bottom head tube races, and caged bearings to use on my Specialized bike.
Lower "pitted" race from Specialized bike

Keeping the race and caged bearings from Mongoose bike
Caged bearings, Top - Specialized, Bottom - Mongoose

12/14/2016 Head tube

For the biking and bicycle enthusiasts that tune into to my blog, I am positive you have noticed one part in particular that I have not yet addressed, as well as the appearance of a front disc and caliper in salvaged parts I intend to use.  My intention was to show some progress on my ride (bicycle) with out getting into the "new" or recent toys, and saving those for another "bike" post.  The problem with that is, I left both, the OEM Specialized and the Mongoose Deception fork back in Iowa, which means I can't build back for a photo of the progress that I have described prior to this paragraph.  Having said that, I wish to introduce the people (the company) behind the "product" pictured both at the head of this post and below (see Paragraph beginning with:  "On January 19th.."..below)

((For those readers who have missed the first tour, please know that the entire effort, Tour De PACLANTIC, was made of individual contributions, none of which is more significant than the other.  In the retelling of the past and mixing with the now, it may seem that I'm assigning rank in significance.  If you must judge, consider it an error in my ability to write and accurately convey my feelings.))

On January4, 2017, I received word, directly from the President himself, Charles Tsai at Intelligent Design Cycles (IDC), that they would help us with various solutions for our cross country fund raiser for "Veterans and Their Pets(SM)".  This is a "first" for me, and for that reason, I did do a few leaps-of-joy and wooo-hooos while in Iowa.  This assistance is significant as well, for we will have greater electrical independence on this journey.  Presently, the SP PD-8 dynamo-hub (this link includes specification sheet) is either in Iowa where it was shipped to, or on its way to me here in Kinston, Alabama.  I'm looking forward to its arrival, and sharing with you all its features and photos, as well as my first attempt at lacing and building it to a rim!

 The rear rim that we will be touring on, thanks to the folks at Intelligent Design Cycles, is from their Stout line of wheel "solutions".  The rim is a dual wall rim and and is built to rigid and exacting specifications.  I hope that my readers will click through, by way of the link provided, and find what caught my eye with this product.  Had I the money, the Stout wheel set would have been my first and only choice.

Because of my recent relocation, I'm embarrassed to say that I have no photos for y'all of any of the items to show you.  The SP PD-8 dynamo-hub was shipping to Iowa when I negotiated and accepted a ride to Kinston, Alabama.  The good news is, I am as good as on time for my appointed start date and time.

 Please visit Intelligent Design Cycles on Facebook and help us thank them with a "Like" and a "Share".

On January 19th, 2017, I received word from the folks at SR Suntour that they are able to help our mission with a "trekking" fork (pictured below), the NCX-E SR Suntour "Trekking" Fork by SR SUNTOUR.  I am honored that they chose to help us and look forward to having SR Suntour along for the journey.  I have included a link to the NCX-E fork on our Pinterest Page.

If you are on Facebook, please help me thank these guys by going to their SR SUNTOUR Facebook page and giving them a "Like".  I will, in future posts, go into greater detail describing the features included with this particular fork.

Thank you very much, Chuck, Dan and all of the folks at SR Suntour!  Only after receiving this fork did I realize that my old fork was shot.  Woooo-hooooo!
On March 3, 2017, Mr. Tsai of Intelligent Design Cycles, introduced me to Jean Yang of  SunUp Eco.  As we speak, a spoke dynamo is on its way, and just as soon as it arrives, I'll start putting together some info and photos for you all.  I am excited, thrilled by this news, for this too will allow us to remain more electrically independent and allow us to keep connected longer and power our lighting.  IDC speaks highly of this product and its mil-spec classification on his web site, where you will find the Sunup Eco EcoDyn 6V3W Bicycle Spoke Dynamo available.  Please help us thank SunUp Eco on Facebook by showing your support by giving them a "Like" and a "Share" or by considering a purchase for your lighting needs.

Thank you Jean Yang and SunUp Eco for helping us on our mission for "Veterans and Their Pets(SM)"!!  Woooo-Hooo!  :-)


I thank you all for reading and following my blog.  Please don't forget my mission for "Veterans and Their Pets(SM)"  I would not be doing this today were it not for them,  and for that I am most grateful!!  Thank you Veterans and Their Pets on Facebook.  Please make all donations online at FundRazr for "Veterans and Their Pets(SM) .

I hope that you all find something of interest here and remain patient as I gain experience in my writing.  I want you to know that this post consumed an embarrassing number of hours as I struggle to organized my thoughts into something meaningful and entertaining, while keeping on the subject.  All errors and omissions are mine alone.

UPDATE:  Latest information re our arrival:  St. Simons Island, Georgia

(((March 3, 2017 Edit:  Daisy and I will be at Massengale Park (click on this link for a Google Map) in St. Simons Island, Georgia on Saturday, April 8th, 2017, no later than 11:00 AM .    There, we will meet with folks, share our story, answer questions, participate in photos, and to raise awareness and funding for "Veterans and Their Pets(SM)" .  (Please take a moment and visit their web site at the following link:  Veterans and Their Pets(SM))

Important:  In the event of inclement weather, I am presently asking around for an alternate location for a meet and greet and will endeavor to notify all, here on this blog, and on all social media.  However, rain or shine, Daisy and I will get our feet wet in the Atlantic ocean at the stated time and location.

Important:  Please, for the safety of Daisy and myself, do NOT donate cash on this date.  It would not be wise for me to be walking around with donations and I will have no means to transfer those funds to "Veterans and Their Pets(SM).  If you wish to donate, please click on the following link at the FundRazr account for "Veterans and Their Pets(SM)", a 501(c)(3) non-profit (EIN 26-0896950).

Important:  I am trying to conceive of all the variables associated with such a public meeting.  It is not my intention to come across as ungrateful, expecting, or to portray a sense of entitlement.  In fact, I don't know what to expect.  I will start this trip with a full load of dry beans, rice, dog food, and a pound of each:  tire patches, glue, and spokes.  A full load.  If all you bring is hugs, handshakes, curiosity, and well-wishes, these things alone, matched with ours in return, will make for a remarkable, joyful, and most memorable occasion!)))